Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Past Life Recllections in Malaysia

Dear Brothers and Sisters in the Dhamma,

In line with research by Professor Dr. Ian Stevenson, a psychiatrist and pioneer scientific researcher on the phenomena of ‘Reincarnation’ , I’m planning to do a simple study and eventually write a book entitled, “Cases of Past Life Recall in Malaysia ”.

During my Dhamma talks and association with Dhamma friends, I have come across a significant number of people who seem to be able to remember their past lives through various means - hypnotic regression, meditation, dream, spontaneous recall etc. Some became more 'awakened', happy and peaceful after the recall but some had more conflicts and ended up with depression. All of them seem to have a common issue - they are reluctant to relate their past-life recall experience as they are afraid that people may not belief them and may even label them as 'crazy'.

Therefore, I'm making the effort to compile the past-life recall experiences with the following objectives:

1. To provide an opportunity for those with past-life recall to relate their experience.
2. To enable more people to learn from the experience of those with past-life recall.
3, To enhance people's confidence in the doctrine of Rebirth as taught by the Budhha.

If you have any past life recall experience, either confirmed or probable, you are invited to participate in the study. Kindly download the questionnaire and answer the questions for the study. Your personal identity will NOT be reviewed and your case story will be used ONLY for education and discussion purpose.

If you don't have any past life recall experience. I would appreciate if you could circulate this email to your circle of friends (Buddhist or non-Buddhist whom you think may have a past-life recall) to contribute to this study. May the blessings of the Triple Gem be with you and SUKHIHOTU!


Dr. Phang Cheng Kar (MD)
016 396 9080

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